3 Ways To Improve Emotional Intelligence

how to improve emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a set of skills that are essential for communication and cooperation in the workplace, but it’s also important in your everyday life. People who have strong EI can connect with others better and more effectively, which makes them more successful in their careers. But what exactly is emotional intelligence? It’s not just about understanding your emotions or being able to understand other people’s emotions; it involves being able to use those skills to navigate through life in a way that improves our wellbeing. Let’s take a look at some ways you can improve your EI:

Practice empathy.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a key component of emotional intelligence, which helps us communicate effectively and collaborate with others. Empathy can also help you feel more connected to others, which can build stronger relationships.

If you’re having trouble being empathetic, try thinking about a time when someone showed empathy towards you—for example, maybe your boss took the time to listen carefully when you had something important to say about an issue at work or one of your friends offered to pick up dinner on their way over after being out all day with their kids.

Learn about your emotions.

The first step to improving your emotional intelligence is to learn about your emotions. The term “emotional intelligence” refers to a set of skills that helps you better understand and manage your own emotions, as well as those of others. To improve your emotional intelligence, you need to know what triggers certain emotions in you and how they affect you; this will help keep those emotions from impacting other areas of your life (work performance, relationships). It also allows for greater self-awareness of how others perceive us based on our emotions; this can make us more effective communicators when we’re working with others.

Learn about others’ emotions.

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Empathy is the most important factor in emotional intelligence and is key in improving it. Empathy allows individuals to understand what others are thinking, feeling, and experiencing, which allows them to connect with others on a deeper level.

  • In daily life: empathy can help you better understand how someone else feels about a situation or event. It can also help you determine whether your actions or words are helpful or harmful for that person’s mental state at that time. For example, if you’ve hurt someone’s feelings badly enough that they’re crying in public, then this might not be the best time for you to tell them about your weekend plans.*
  • How do I improve my empathy?: Think about specific situations where someone might feel upset—like when their favorite sports team loses—and think about how those situations make YOU feel (hurt, sad). Then think about WHY those feelings exist (because your team lost) and whether there’s anything YOU could do differently next time so as not to have such negative reactions yourself.* How does sympathy differ from empathy?: Sympathy refers more specifically to providing emotional support by listening without judgment; whereas empathy involves recognizing emotions without necessarily offering support.

Take care of yourself.

As an INTJ, it’s easy to feel like everything you do is for a higher purpose. But if you don’t take care of yourself and your needs, you’ll burn out quickly. Your health and happiness are just as important as the work that needs to be done.

If you need help getting started with self-care, consider these tips:

  • Set aside time for rest and relaxation every day. This can mean sleeping in an extra hour or taking a break from screens after work hours (and doing something physical). Try scheduling fun activities into your week that aren’t related to work or school—like seeing friends or going out dancing—to give yourself some relief from stressors on top of the ones at home or at school/work.* Don’t forget about nutrition! It’s easy to get caught up in all things “healthy”—but other than fruits & veggies (which are very good), there aren’t any foods that will make us instantly better people.* Take time off—you deserve it! A mental health day once a month is good practice when it comes to self-care.

Look inward from time to time.

One way to improve your emotional intelligence is to look inward from time to time. Self-reflection is important in order to understand yourself and why you do the things that you do. However, self-reflection can be difficult, especially if there are deep-rooted issues that need addressing.

Here are some tips for beginning a practice of personal growth:

  • Know what makes you happy and what doesn’t
  • Keep a journal or diary with notes about your daily life experiences and how they make you feel
  • Reach out to friends who know and care about your well-being

One can practice and develop skills in emotional intelligence.

If you want to improve your emotional intelligence, there are several things you can do. One of the most important is to practice empathy. This means understanding how others feel and why they might be feeling that way. It also involves acknowledging your own emotions and trying to figure out why they exist in the first place. You can learn more about your emotions by taking time out of your day every few weeks or even daily to reflect on them and understand them better.

Another thing that will help develop empathetic skills is learning about other people’s emotions—and being able to recognize when someone is experiencing a certain emotion based on their facial expression or body language for example—and what causes these feelings in others as well as yourself!

Finally, it’s important not only for emotional intelligence but also for overall healthiness (both mental and physical) that we take care of ourselves physically by eating right (healthy foods), exercising regularly (working out at least three times per week), getting enough sleep each night (eight hours minimum needed), etcetera…


Emotional intelligence is a skill that anyone can practice and develop. It’s important to know how other people feel so that we can communicate effectively with them and even help them through difficult times. The more you practice empathy, the better you get at it!