4 Simple Ways to Improve Work Life Balance

Dealing with mental health at work

Every employee has additional tasks to complete throughout the day. For the most part, we cannot predict what work fires will need to be put out, so we try to complete the task we expected and the ones we did not. What happens when there is a last-minute work meeting scheduled, but you also have to do school pickup, make dinner, and a plethora of other things? There will always be unfinished tasks at work.

The Key to Work Life Balance for women is to set boundaries. Setting boundaries at work and home is difficult but will keep your mental health in a positive space.

What is work life balance

Work life balance is a term that is often used to describe the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This means making sure that your work schedule and your personal life are integrated so that you can be productive and enjoy your life outside of work. It can be difficult to maintain a work life balance, but it is important to try to do so if you want to be successful in your career.

There are a few things that you can do to help you stay balanced:

  1. Make sure that your work schedule is balanced. Try to have equal amounts of time spent working and time spent on your personal life.

What is a Boundary?

Imagine boundaries as being borders you have around yourself. Although those borders can be flexible, for the most part, the boundary is a limit you are not willing to cross and does not allow others to cross as well. Look at them as guidelines to assist you with managing time. Boundaries will also begin to eliminate barriers such as multitasking, feelings of being overwhelmed, and guilt that you did not do enough.

Barriers to Work Life Balance for Women

Women face a number of barriers when trying to achieve work-life balance. These barriers can include:

1) Social norms that dictate that women should devote themselves exclusively to their work lives.

2) A lack of flexibility in the workplace, which can make it difficult to arrange work hours that accommodate a balanced life.

3) A lack of support from co-workers or managers when trying to manage work and family life.

4) Limited resources, such as time or money, that can be used to accommodate a work-life balance.

5) Ongoing discrimination and harassment at work that can make it difficult to pursue a work

Sometimes, we can get in our own way. Some things may or may not be in our control but it’s good to be self-aware. Some of these things may include:

  • Being a perfectionist-Having unrealistic expectations of yourself will only cause increased stress.
  • Challenges with mental health-Unmanaged anxiety, depression or other disorders make your workday more difficult. If this is an issue for you, contact us for resources.
  • Increase in home or work responsibilities-More responsibilities make it difficult to manage your time and leaves you feeling exhausted.

Work Life Balance tips

Take advantage of the many ways to manage your time by using a planner. Planners will change the game of completing daily tasks. How do you ask? Firstly, it holds you accountable for at least working on the task during a specific time. Even when you become distracted, you are easily reminded of what you are working on. Secondly, have you networked with colleagues that exemplify healthy work boundaries? Learn how to make these conversations count with doing a bit of research. In addition, begin to think about times when you displayed a healthy balance in your life. How were you able to do it and were there specific individuals that supported you?

Why Networking Improves Work Life Balance

Sometimes we feel as if we are alone in our worries or concerns. I am here to tell you, NEVER worry alone. Networking and forming a connection with coworkers can normalize your feelings of having an unhealthy work-life balance. You will find that others may be experiencing the same. This is a great way to share helpful ideas and an opportunity to brainstorm and problem-solve for your team, department, or company. Finding a solution to challenges with work balance will be a huge win for your career in the long term!

There are a few things you can do to make networking easier:

  1. Join networking groups. There are many groups available, from professional organizations to local business networks.
  2. Attend events and meetups. These are opportunities to network with people in your industry and learn about new opportunities and technologies.
  3. Use online tools. There are many online tools that can help you ease into this new skill.

Keep in mind that companies are becoming increasingly aware of the ways poor work life balance affects their bottom line. And let’s face it, the goal in business is to make money, not lose it. Companies are looking to their employees to learn how they can help, so it’s important to be candid about what may be affecting your daily work. Of course, you need to make solid and trusting relationships to feel comfortable with doing this. I know it sounds like a daunting task, but we are here to help with that. You will be confident in expressing what you need to be successful at work in no time!

What Does Setting a Work Life Boundary Look Like?

You’re probably wondering, what does a healthy work life boundary look like? Remember, every individual is different, so it’s important to do what makes sense for you. For example, If your work hours end at 5:00 pm and you were in the middle of a task, you have an option to finish the task or pick up where you left off the next workday. A quick tip is to ask one of your colleagues to fill you in on any points you may have missed. Once you are consistent with your work boundaries, managers and colleagues will begin to notice and respect them. Overall, boundaries will help you improve your work life balance.

How Can your Employer Support a Healthy Balance?

COVID-19 caused a positive shift in the ways many employers view the link between family and work for their employees. Even though employees are paid for work, employers have a responsibility to ensure they are heard. The following resources are some of the ways that will support an employee and retain them. Becoming familiar with your benefits is a proactive way to being in control of your work life balance.

  • Offering flexible work arrangements
  • Paid family leave
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) for individuals and their families
  • Being candid and transparent about work life balance
  • Offering unique wellness opportunities
  • Short-term disability benefits
  • On-site fitness facilities
  • Providing forums during work hours to discuss challenges

Bottom Line

Choosing to set boundaries, manage time, and have candid conversations with your employer will shift you in a positive direction. What will you implement within your work life to find a healthy balance?