5 Mental Health Myths And Facts Debunked To Improve Your Mental Wellness

There are many myths out there about mental health. These myths can have a negative impact on those who suffer from mental illness, and it is important to understand the difference between fact and fiction.

Mental health America accounts for around 43 million adults are diagnosed with mental illness each year. Mental illnesses are not just a problem for adults – it impacts children as well. Nearly 7% of children in the U.S., or one in every 13 kids, live with a diagnosable mental disorder each year.

It is important to know what these statistics mean for people who suffer from mental illness, as well as their loved ones and those who may come into contact with them.

mental health myths and facts

Myth 1) Drug Addiction is a Personal Weakness or Moral Failing

Drug addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences.

A person with a substance use disorder has an intense craving for and needs to take the substance. They may try to control the urge by using drugs or alcohol less often, in less risky situations, or by using substances with a lower risk of dependence. However, they are unable to stop or control their use of the substance even though they know it is harmful.

Addiction is not just about what someone does but also about how their brain responds to drugs and alcohol. It’s important for people struggling with addiction not only to understand why they do what they do but also to know that there are treatments that can help them recover.

Myth 2) Negative Emotions are Bad

It’s a common misconception that negative emotions are bad. Negative emotions, such as anger and sadness, can be helpful because they allow us to know when something is wrong. They also motivate us to change things for the better. They can open us up to new experiences, allow us to better adjust and cope with difficult situations, and provide a sense of control.

Myth 3) There’s Only One Type of Anxiety Disorder

This is not true. There are many types of anxiety disorders and they can be different depending on the person.

Anxiety disorders are quite common in the US, with over 40 million adults suffering from some form of anxiety disorder. This means that almost 18% of the population is affected by this mental illness.

There are many types of anxiety disorders and they can be different depending on the person. Some people may experience panic attacks, while others might have a generalized anxiety disorder or social phobia.

Myth 4) Depression is Just a Bad Mood Which Will go Away by Itself

Depression is a medical condition that needs medical attention.

There are many myths that surround depression. One of them is that depression is just a bad mood that will go away by itself. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as depression is a mental health disorder and it needs to be treated by professionals.


Depression, in the most severe cases, can lead to suicide. It is important for people to know that depression does not have any social stigma attached to it and there are many people who suffer from this condition and live successful lives after being diagnosed with it.

Myth 5) Mental Illness can be Cured with Logic and Rationality

Mental illness can be cured with logic and rationality if the person is not in denial of their condition.

Some people who suffer from mental illnesses believe that they are able to cure themselves with logic, rationality, and other methods. However, this is not possible because mental illnesses are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain that cannot be cured by logic alone.


The stigma around mental health is a very real problem that affects the lives of millions of people. It is often encouraged by ignorance and misinformation. We need to fight this stigma with compassion and understanding.

People with mental illnesses are not the only ones who suffer from discrimination, society, in general, suffers too. The more we talk about it, the better it will be for everyone.